Here are some examples:
SQL>create table t (word varchar(10)); SQL>insert into t values('COOP'); SQL>insert into t values('coop'); SQL>insert into t values('COÖP'); SQL>insert into t values('coöp'); SQL>insert into t values('CO-OP'); SQL>insert into t values('co-op'); SQL>insert into t values('CO OP'); SQL>insert into t values('co op'); SQL>insert into t values('COTE'); SQL>insert into t values('COTÉ'); SQL>insert into t values('CÔTE'); SQL>insert into t values('CÔTÉ'); SQL>insert into t values('cote'); SQL>insert into t values('coté'); SQL>insert into t values('côte'); SQL>insert into t values('côté'); SQL> SQL>-- Accent and case insensitive search (level 1): SQL>select word from t where word = 'côte' collate french_1 SQL>order by word collate French_3; WORD ==== cote COTE côte CÔTE coté COTÉ côté CÔTÉ SQL>-- Accent sensitive and case insensitive search (level 2): SQL>select word from t where word = 'côte' collate french_2 SQL>order by word collate French_3; WORD ==== côte CÔTE SQL>-- Accent and case sensitive search (level 3): SQL>select word from t where word = 'côte' collate french_3 SQL>order by word collate French_3; WORD ==== côte SQL>-- The predefined collations does not ignore punctuation. SQL>-- Let's define collations that ignore punctuation and SQL>-- an accent, case, and punctuation sensitive collation (level 4). SQL>create collation french_1s from french_1 using '[alternate shifted]'; SQL>create collation french_2s from french_2 using '[alternate shifted]'; SQL>create collation french_3s from french_3 using '[alternate shifted]'; SQL>create collation french_4 from french_3s using '[level 4]'; SQL> SQL>-- Accent and case insensitive search (level 1): SQL>select word from t where word = 'co-op' collate french_1s SQL>order by word collate French_4; WORD ==== co op co-op coop CO OP CO-OP COOP coöp COÖP SQL>-- Accent sensitive and case insensitive search (level 2): SQL>select word from t where word = 'co-op' collate french_2s SQL>order by word collate French_4; WORD ==== co op co-op coop CO OP CO-OP COOP SQL>-- Accent and case sensitive search (level 3): SQL>select word from t where word = 'co-op' collate french_3s SQL>order by word collate French_4; WORD ==== co op co-op coop SQL>-- Accent, case, and punctuation sensitive search (level 4): SQL>select word from t where word = 'co-op' collate french_4 SQL>order by word collate French_4; WORD ==== co-op